showing 12 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Escape From S.P.E.C.T.R.E.  Tom Mix Software1983 1life instantdeath nosaves labelminimizeminimize
Haunted House T & D Subscription Software1985 dogs ghosts instantdeath interactivefiction nosaves snakes wordinput labelminimizeminimize
Mr. Dig Computerware;MicroDeal1984 5.25disk cassette cherries claiming coco1 coco2 coco3 commercial difficulty digging instantdeath joystick license-proprietary lives score subterranean labelimageminimize
Pac Tac II  Computerware1983 5.25disk cassette coco1 coco2 coco3 commercial display-256x192 instantdeath joystick license-proprietary lives pacmanlike predictablenpcs score labelminimizeminimize
Pac Tac Version 2  author1982 5.25disk cassette coco1 coco2 coco3 difficulty display-256x192 instantdeath joystick lives pacmanlike predictablenpcs score Scholars note, the ghosts in this version are named Lary, Curly, and Shep

This has a hack by Larry Bank that was never intended for pubic release. But it was accidentally leaked. As this game uses 256x192 mode, it will run on a CoCo 3, unlike the original that is 64x192.
Pac-Tac Computerware1981 5.25disk cassette coco1 coco2 display-64x192 instantdeath joystick lives pacmanlike predictablenpcs score labelimageminimize
Pacman Tandy (Microware)1986 cherries claiming entityvsupernatural ghosts harmfultouch instantdeath joystick langinsignificant lives mushrooms os9 pacmanlike score labelminimizeminimize
Panic Tom Mix Software1984 digging harmfultouch instantdeath ladders lives paniclike trapping walking labelminimizeminimize
Shamus Synapse Software;Tandy (Synapse Software)1983 5.25disk arenashooter cassette coco1 difficulty femaleauthor instantdeath joystick keys lives robots score labelimageminimize
Snak Pac Tom Mix Software1982 5.25disk cassette coco1 coco2 coco3 difficulty display-256x192 instantdeath joystick lives pacmanlike predictablenpcs score This is mod of Larry Bank's mod of Pac-Tac. Larry Bank's version was mistakenly published. No one knows where the Snak Pac version came from. It has different screens. labelminimizeminimize
Soooper Pac  Bear Bones Software? cherries claiming difficulty-aspects entityvsupernatural ghosts harmfultouch instantdeath joystick keyboard lives nolanguage pacmanlike score labelminimizeminimize
The King  Tom Mix Software1982 5.25disk animals cassette coco1 coco2 coco3 constructionsite did donkeykonglike harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives movingplatforms powerups primates rescue score walking [b]Additional external review(s):[/b]
- The Color Computer Magazine, Issue #1 March 1983, Rating: Positive ([url=]View[/url])***
[139]***[media=youtube]vE5rziIiCfU[/media]***[media=youtube]hByfYkw0YoM[/media]***How high can you climb? Four full graphic screens. Exciting Sound - Realistic graphics. Never before has the color computer seen a game like this. Early reviews say: Just like the arcade Simply outstanding!